If the Unemployment Rate is 5% or less what will it be by EOY 2024?
Jan 2
3% - 3.5%
3.51% - 3.75%
3.76% - 4%
4% - 5%

What will the unemployment rate in the USA be by the end of 2024?

This is the source that i am using to track. - https://www.bls.gov/cps/

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uhoh this one might not work. because if it is 3.1%, then two answers are right

the one labeled >3%
the one labeled 3%-3.5%

does it let you select two answers?

hmm what if it is 4.0 or more? can you add another option for that

or if not, maybe rename the question to "If the unemployment rate is 4.0 or less, what will it be?" and then NA the question if it is above 4.0

@strutheo I don't understand. <4% means that unemployment is over 4%

@YewNevano other way around, <4% means it is less than 4% (4 is the bigger one), and >4% means it is greater than 4% (4 is the smaller one)

crocodile wants to eat the bigger one!