Will anyone commit violence in order to slow the progression of AI?

Broadly defined, but more like terrorism than someone just getting mad and punching their computer or something. Includes state actions, such as air striking a data center, but not mere regulatory enforcement.

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Does self harm count?


Any type of physical violence no matter how ineffectual?

@HedShock It has to be at least a plausible attempt to slow AI.

@BenjaminIkuta Would you say that anti-nuclear power activism has committed violence to further their aims and if so, what would be an example?

predicts YES

@TeddyWeverka Hmm, I'm leaning towards no on the threat because he didn't actually have anything. But idk, since a threat appears the same either way until you know... Blowing up the power lines definitely counts though.

predicts NO

@BenjaminIkuta Thanks! That clarifies