Will Bitcoin hit $100K in 2024?
Jan 1

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Have a good time with your bitcoin and your crypto and everything else you’re playing with.

Thanks @CryptoNeoLiberalist Happy Sunday!

Maybe I’m wrong but 24% seems awfully underpriced given:

  • Rate cuts likely later this year

  • Trump likely to Win in Nov

  • 100k well within historical price multiples of previous bull runs

  • Bull markets tending to happen every 4 years & toward the end of the year

@elf Harris/Trump 55/45 according to Manifold. Harris getting elected might spark Bitcoin selloff if a lot of traders were betting on a Trump admin. If you look at crypto-dominated platforms like Polymarket they're more bullish for Trump, with 46/53 odds for Harris/Trump. If a lot of crypto traders are betting on Trump, a Harris admin could scare them into selling, triggering a bear market.


If you've bet that trump will win in November, this is a really great market to bet yes, to the point that it gets to 60% around the time November rolls along. Easy mana!

bought Ṁ100 YES

Insert bitcoin markets copypasta

@itsTomekK Ha ha yours is the original one :)


@SF Wow 25K 👀


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