⚽️ FIFA Women's World Cup Prop Bets 🎲
The FIFA Women's World Cup dissolves before 2050
Spain wins back-to-back World Cups
A team from North America wins the World Cup
A team from Europe wins the World Cup
A team scores 10+ goals in any single match

Submit whatever you think might happen related to any FIFA Women's World Cup and if it happens it will resolve YES.

Any answer not specifying otherwise should be assumed to refer to upcoming/ongoing World Cup. If unclear, ask in the comments. I reserve the right to reword answers myself to make them clearer. I may N/A submissions for any reason.

Comments are strongly encouraged to help notify me that answers can be resolved and to facilitate speedy resolution. I reserve the right to resolve NO any answer for which sufficient evidence is not provided.

For prop bets on other sports, see the 🏟️ Sports Prop Bets 🎲 dashboard.

See also the 🏟️ Major Sporting Events & Champions dashboard.

For faster resolution, mods may resolve answers and/or any trader may tag @dglid in a comment.

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