⚾️ MLB Prop Bets 🎲
The MLB dissolves before 2050
An AL team wins 100+ games
At the end of the season, there's a 50+ win gap between two teams in a division
A team reaches the World Series with less than 90 regular season wins (2023: D’Backs had 84)
A team steals 200+ bases (2023: Reds had 190)
A team hits 300+ HRs (2023: Braves had 307)
A pitcher pitches a perfect game
Ohtani is suspended by MLB at any point
A single player scores 55+ home runs in the season (2023: 54 by Matt Olson)
A team scores 22+ points in any single game (2023: 1x)

Submit whatever you think might happen related to the MLB and if it happens it will resolve YES.

Any answer not specifying otherwise should be assumed to refer to the current season (or upcoming season if in the offseason). If unclear, ask in the comments. I reserve the right to reword answers myself to make them clearer. I may N/A submissions for any reason.

Comments are strongly encouraged to help notify me that answers can be resolved and to facilitate speedy resolution. I reserve the right to resolve NO any answer for which sufficient evidence is not provided.

For prop bets on other sports, see the 🏟️ Sports Prop Bets 🎲 dashboard.

See also the 🏟️ Major Sporting Events & Champions dashboard.

For faster resolution, mods may resolve answers and/or any trader may tag @dglid in a comment.

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"An AL team wins 100+ games" can resolve NO as of the Yankees' 63rd loss yesterday

The Nationals have stolen 209 bases, so "A team steals 200+ bases" can resolve YES

A team scores 22+ points in any single game (2023: 1x)

@dglid The odds of a team scoring 22 POINTS is close to 0%.

Then it should be an easy buy NO!

Odds of any one game is 0%; odds of it happening once over the hundreds of games in a season?: ???