Will Oppenheim's unified theory of gravity and quantum mechanics pass the test?

A new theory is out, it has been proposed by Oppenheim and a test has been proposed as well that makes it possible to rule it out.

Will the theory be ruled out by the proposed test or any other experiment by 2030?

The market resolves NO if:

1/ the proposed experiment is carried out by EOY 2030 and concludes that the theory can be ruled out

2/ another experiment is carried out by EOY 2030 and concludes that the theory can be ruled out

3/ a purely theoretical reasoning concludes that the theory is not compatible with past experiments by EOY 2030

Otherwise, the market will resolve YES, it passed the test of time! (for now)

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The outcome of the experiment, or other evidence emerging that would confirm the quantum vs. classical nature of spacetime, is the subject of a 5000:1 odds bet between Professor Oppenheim and Professor Carlo Rovelli and Dr. Geoff Penington—leading proponents of quantum loop gravity and string theoryrespectively.