Will someone die in a motor vehicle accident while wearing an Apple Vision Pro in 2024?
Jan 1

Will someone die specifically in a motor vehicle accident of any kind?

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Does a train count?

Does the person who dies need to be inside the motor vehicle?

@Eliza Yes to trains, no to being in the vehicle. I want to catch pedestrian deaths who might've been more aware, were they not using the Vision.

I was debating adding a clause like, "the Vision must have some role in making the death happen/more likely", but I didn't want to bother judging that. If someone wearing a Vision dies in a motor vehicle accident, and the Vision has nothing to do with the death, this will still resolve YES.

@gaming Thanks for clearing it up, I was hoping you would be quite permissive like this -- I think it is the best version of the question.

Now allow me to go buy some Yes.

bought Ṁ10 YES

What can I say, people are idiots.