Will I make IMO 2025?

missed it by 0 this year sobobbers

I will try to answer any questions posted in the comments section.


TSTST: 610 760 777 (made TST)

Dec TST: ???

Jan TST: ???

RMM day 1: ???

APMO: ?????

USAMO day 1: ???

USAMO day 2: ???

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Fuck, I bet against you. Thought it read 2024. Just do me a favour. Do not get a boyfriend anytime soon.


bought แน€167 YES

I bet all my money on u Hannah (I js joined)

u better make it

bought แน€10 YES

Do you expect Alex Zhao to go to IMO 2025? He is eligible, right?

How many seniors on this years' team?

Was the guy you tied with a senior? How about the next few people? College-bound juniors count as seniors.

Will anyone go to RSI or some such?

@nathanwei Alex Zhao is graduating. This year's team has 4 seniors and the people who were close to IMO are a mix between juniors and seniors. I'm not sure if anyone is going to RSI, but if they are, they're still eligible for IMO 2025 because they can take TSTST remotely.

bought แน€1 NO

@hannah OK. I'm at 90-95%. Tempted to buy some really cheap NO.

Edit: Bought some NO. I think you are very likely to make it but 98% is too much.

The RSI question was more like "will Alexander Wang do RSI next year".