Gorosei Agenda Stock
per share

BUY: good
SHORT: bad
Market trades based on sentiment & never resolves.

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Luffy can't hurt Saturn

im curious how much the pizza slap and spin actually hurt lmao

Saturn just winked at Sanji and no diffed🤣 GOROSEI ARE JUST THEM ESPECIALLY VENUS

Ethan V Nusjuro>Mihawk

I will not bet on the devil.


predicts BUY

Satanic rituals are required to summon them

skyrocketing tomorrow when 1095

Mark my words gorosei agenda boutta SKYROCKET when 1086 drops

@FlintandStoneFlintandSton Spoilers already out

Confirmed W

possibly a full roster of mythical zoans. invest before return to egghead

predicts BUY

@KingofShit called it lmao. Cheap af rn and will prob just continue going down until it plummets in egghead

These fossils finna have a heart attack before get a fight, not putting a single cent for gorosei agenda rising

@Mrmike7 Aged like milk, no one can compete with my man God Warrior Saint Topman Valkyrie