Melina Stock
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the fact that this has any value shows that this website is dogshit and not worth taking seriously.


This stock dropped 72% after they divorced. I’d say that’s pretty accurate for a market with no resolution date (stock)

any more would be too much to risk for not much to gain. she is not dead; there is not a 0 chance she has a redemption arc through some point in her life.

@pluffASMR I know you're a retard when you start a statement with false.

You ain't dwight shrute and I ain't michael scott, this website is trash lmao. This stock should be at 0.

But hey maybe this website is a fun hobby for autistics.

🤢 then put your money where your mouth is… that’s how this website works…

@pluffASMR Kill yourself in real life, you're an autistic faggot. That's how this world works...

@viwa wtf

This should just be closed. I doubt we will hear anything about her anymore.

@LauriNakari go away. I will continue to buy my queen


I bought the best rises in this stock and made a killing, now I'm back to short it to the ground. Lets GO

predicts SHORT



If you haven't sold by now... I'm sorry for your loss.

predicts BUY

@Tcvang I'm still up 150 OMEGALUL

It is time


it was never meant to be

predicts SHORT

I always knew, and my trades prove it.

@Yanick Brittany Simon alt account

predicts SHORT

@NGK nah don't give that unhinged woman the credit that I deserve.

I'd managram it to you if I could


Hope you're having fun

Can we get much higher :😇😇🙏🤲

I will keep this stock above 1000 because she deserves it we love Mel here

literally free money

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