Who will be on an episode of Conversations with Tyler in 2024?
Jan 1
Kyla Scanlon
Tom Tugendhat
Slavoj Zizek
Musa al-Gharbi
Christopher Kirchhoff
Jeff Holmes
Steven Pinker
Tanner Greer
Bjorn Lomborg
Reid Hoffman
Dan Wang
Sam Altman
Malcolm Gladwell
Noah Smith (Noahpinion)
Avi Loeb
Ian Hogarth
Magnus Carlsen
Alfonso Cuaron
Igor Levit

Episodes with a release date in 2024 as determined by the accompanying page on the conversationswithtyler.com for the episode. Tyler himself will not count. A non-Tyler interviewer will count. ChatGPT channeling the spirit of a deceased person will not count, nor will any voice actors. Executive producers sitting in on retrospective episodes will count. Named living people with lines attributed to them in the transcript will count.

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@mods This market has several people asking for resolutions but I cannot actually see what answers they are talking about:

@mods This market has several people asking for resolutions but I cannot actually see what answers they are talking about:

@Eliza Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I cannot get this to appear in the mod report queue.

https://conversationswithtyler.com/episodes/ I can't tell which ones were published in 2024 here, and there's some ppl at 99% on this market i can't find there, so idk if I'm missing something

@Eliza huh, I also don't see it, but it seems ok, maybe something is broken about the mod queue


there's some ppl at 99% on this market i can't find there

Tyler typically implies/previews his upcoming guests by posting "what should I ask X" a while before the episode releases. so the fact that some people are at 99% doesn't mean the episode has been released.

(can't help beyond that obvs no idea what people are replying to lol given the bug)

makes sense

@Bayesian It's entirely possible none of these need to resolve, they might have already been taken care of! But I just saw all those comments when I saw this market, and was like "Hmm, I wonder if any of those need help resolving or if they are all taken care of"

@Eliza Yeah, to my knowledge I'm keeping up with them more or less as they roll out. There are a few we're confident in that I can't resolve until they come out.

@metacontrarian It looks like the original error is fixed anyway! I'm now able to see that they're all taken care of. The names were not attached to the comments before, so I saw the whole list of people asking for resolutions with no names attached and wondered what was up.

@metacontrarian resolves yes

bought Ṁ30 Answer #e274b9487fd9 YES

@metacontrarian resolves yes

@PaperBoy Resolves yes

bought Ṁ13 Answer #jxedi786rf YES

@metacontrarian resolves yes

bought Ṁ145 Answer #7a8f39b84b2c YES

@metacontrarian Resolves yes

Resolves YES

bought Ṁ380 Answer #f7c9ea33b90f YES

Resolves YES

Can we add Magnus Carlsen?

@ZacharyGoldstein You can add your own responses! If you search for a name, there's a button there to add the answer for 25M.

bought Ṁ60 Magnus Carlsen NO

@Ziddletwix Done, thanks!

bought Ṁ500 Answer #130caf89c119 YES

resolves YES

bought Ṁ250 Answer #ed4ca52adbef YES

Resolves YES

@Ziddletwix you mean yes?

@NicoDelon Oops sorry, typo, edited to fix it.