Edit: I need to read more closely
@strutheo they're ones that the Unicode Consortium are considering but haven't accepted or rejected yet!
@strutheo Ah, good point. I actually had in mind something like a "smooth soup" (maybe that's an appropriate edit for this answer). In other words, something similar to WhatsApp's implementation of 🥣 (see here).
The closest emojis to "smooth soup" I found were 🍜 (which seems to be specific for ramen), 🥣 (which typically is empty) and 🍲 (which is closer to a casserole dish than a soup). None of them are quite what I meant.
@JDF Yeah that makes sense, I just saw "soup" and that emoji is always what I opt for when I want a soup emoji, even though it's not really soup. I'm personally not super sure if I can envision a separate bowl of soup emoji being added when all the emojis you mentioned seem to fill that niche to varying degrees to the point that I didn't even realise we didn't have a standard "soup" emoji
two different Tumbleweed designs has been declined twice in the past, in 2018 and 2016
> The proposal is declined, because one or more of the selection factors was not satisfactory. For example, the expected usage was not shown to be sufficiently high. Emoji that have been Declined are not eligible to be re-reviewed for two years.
@strutheo that would probably be why i could swear i vaguely remembered it being a thing at one point in time when i read it in the list then