Will Facebook have over 10 minutes of outage due to DDOS or other malicious action before EOY 2024?
Jan 1

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No indication it was DDOS/malicious:

@DanMan314 correct - this market does not trigger, it is specifically due to malicious action

but this one which is due to ddos or any outage will resolve


@strutheo Oh that one is any outage? That wasn't clear to me from the description :|

Shouldn't OpenAI have resolved several times over then because of GPT outages?

@DanMan314 nobody reported them to me so idk

was it down fully due to mistake/attack or down due to an upgrade window?

You should make this into a multi-choice with different companies, eg. Microsoft, Amazon, Cloudflare etc

@schlongenheim if i had the mana 🥲

An outage only counts if specifically caused by a DDoS, not by any other kind of attack or incident?

@josh hmm maybe, what other attack could it be do you think? (that could also be verified in some way publicly or by the company)

@strutheo title is a bit clearer