Will BlueSky have over 10 million users by the end of 2027?

As of the end of 2023, Twitter (X.com) has around 500 million active users. Wt.social has about 500,000, many of them probably not active. Bluesky is at about 2.3 registered users currently. As per the best data available at time of resolution, will Bsky.app have 10 million active users?

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currently approaching 14M registered, 7M monthly active

At 4.6M MAU now, looks like it's starting to level off though (and will presumably start dipping a bit, too, in the short/medium term). I have a feeling the next big user influx, wherever it comes from, could quite easily kick things over 10M

things quietened down a bit after that, but we're in the midst of a new influx that has us up to 5M MAU and counting

monthly active users, I assume?

@Retr0id If possible. I wasn't able to get those stats when making the market, so I'm not assuming that I'll be able to be picky on resolution.