Will Tinder still be the top dating app in 2026
Dec 31

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I think Tinder will still be around in 2026, but whether it stays the top dating app depends on how well it adapts. More people are getting tired of endless swiping and are looking for apps that focus on better matches rather than just quick chats. Apps like Hinge and Bumble are already gaining traction, and who knows what new platform will pop up by then?

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Can we get a firmer resolution criteria here? For instance, this site says Bumble is nearly caught up by market share: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/dating-app-market/ (And Badoo is winning globally by users)

This one cites a survey saying Bumble is tied by percent of online daters who said they've used it: https://www.statista.com/chart/24404/most-popular-dating-apps-us/

How are we measuring "top"? I don't think Google Trends is a good way fwiw, it doesn't measure usage.

Nope, @ManifoldLove will be.

Google Trends data suggests that Tinder is still the clear leader.