In what year will the construction of the first space elevator begin?

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Already wrote this comment on another post, but by the time we have the technology to build a space elevator for earth, we probably don't need one. Lots of options exist that are both easier to build and get you the equivalent outcomes (or better), like

  • Rotovators / skyhooks

  • Lofstrom Loops

  • Mass Drivers

  • Tethered Rings

  • Elliptical Orbital Ring Networks

  • Some scaled up version of spinlaunch

Barring some perfect space elevator material being invented tomorrow, I don't foresee a future where its a competitive option.

There is very little incentive to bet for such tiny amounts of mana.

predicts HIGHER

@IsaacKing yeah numeric markets suck.

predicts HIGHER

@FranklinBaldo The problem isn't numeric markets, the problem is that you made the top end of the range the year 3000, despite everyone wanting to bet on numbers less than 2100.