This market resolves YES. I will place 10 bets on NO.
Mar 27

Each bet will be of amount 1/10 of the market liquidity at the time. Other than those 10 bets, I will not bet on this market.

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@IsaacKing Could you please either resolve or reopen?

guys it might just never resolve yes

predicts NO

Hmm, I had set myself reminders to bet here, but I missed some of them. Sorry about that. I'll reopen for a while to finish placing those bets.

⚠Unreceptive to pings

📢Resolved to YES ; If this is incorrect, the creator can correct since they are a mod

predicts YES

@IsaacKing This can resolve

@Primer They did not place 10 bets. Only 4.

@IsaacKing How do you plan to resolve since the 10 bet criteria was not met? N/A?

predicts YES

@SirCryptomind There was no criteria. Just "This market resolves YES". The 10 bets were supposed to happen, but didn't. But I understood that's unrelated to how the market resolves.