Will AGI be more attributable to bottom-up machine learning than top-down symbolic systems?

One of the questions from https://jacyanthis.com/big-questions.

Resolves according to my judgement of whether the criteria have been met, taking into account clarifications from @JacyAnthis, who made those predictions. (The goal is that they'd feel comfortable betting to their credance in this market, so I want the resolution criteria to match their intention.)


Causal attribution in such cases is imprecise. I mean something like: If A and B both seem to be necessary conditions for C, and a 30% reduction in A is twice as likely to make C fail to occur as a 10% reduction in B, then C is twice as attributable to A as to B.

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It's 100% a hardware problem, you could run five lines of python code on a massive system and build an AI. It's just impossible to obtain the hardware.